IRIS+ and Principles for Responsible Investment

Original review date: 2015

A global framework, via six principles, for mainstream investors to consider environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) matters.

The PRI Initiative was launched by the United Nations in 2006 after former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan brought together a group of the world’s largest institutional investors, academics, and other advisors to draft a set of sustainable investment principles. At the heart of the initiative is the premise that investors have a duty to act in the longterm best interests of their beneficiaries, which requires that they take environmental, social, and governance factors into account.

As of February 2015, more than 1,350 organizations are signatories of the PRI Initiative, demonstrating their commitment to the Principles. More information about the initiative and the signatories can be found on the PRI website:

Use of IRIS metrics supports adherence to Prinicples 3 and 6 of the PRI framework.