Understanding Impact Performance

The Global Impact Investing Network, October 2020

As the impact investing industry continues to evolve and mature, impact investors are increasingly committed to integrating impact into decision-making and sharing results transparently. Credible and comparable impact data is key to achieving the promise of impact investing, yet 84% of investors cannot compare impact results with market performance because they lack the needed tools and resources.

For this reason, the GIIN piloted the industry’s first collaborative effort to create a clear, thorough approach to comparing impact results in the Evaluating Impact Performance reports on clean energy access and housing, published in October 2019.

Building on this approach as well as the GIIN’s decade of experience standardizing impact metrics and establishing the IRIS+ system, this new installment of reports – Understanding Impact Performance: Agriculture Investments and Understanding Impact Performance: Financial Inclusion – mark the significant progress being made by the GIIN towards standardizing impact performance analytics and increasing the transparency and availability of comparable impact data for investors.

These reports analyze the impact performance of agriculture and financial inclusion impact investments and showcase the real-world results associated with impact investments. Learn more by downloading each sector-specific report below.