
Craft3 is a non-bank, non-profit certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) established in 1995. Craft3's mission is to strengthen the economic, ecological and family resilience of Pacific Northwest communities. We accomplish our mission by making loans and providing assistance to entrepreneurs, non-profits, individuals and others who do not normally have access to credit. Craft3 also embraces and supports early-stage investments in emerging but not yet proven markets. Craft3 complements these financial resources with its expertise, personal connections and other forms of advocacy to amplify the economic, environmental and social impacts its borrowers deliver as a result of receiving Craft3 financing.

Craft3’s primary financial products include commercial loans to small businesses; community development loans to non-profits and public agencies; conservation loans directed at land trusts and conservation organizations to preserve critical habitat and working lands; and consumer loans for home improvements (energy efficiency retrofits and water quality.) In addition, Craft3 offers deep experience in lending to Indian Country and deploying New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC).

In 19 years, Craft3 has invested more than $250 million in individuals, businesses and communities in Oregon and Washington and supported impacts including 7,200 jobs created/retained, $584 million in 3rd-party investment leveraged, 58 secondary value-adding enterprises created, 241 minority or women-owned firms assisted, 27,874 low-income families assisted, $962 million invested in locally-owned assets, 103 million gallons of water conserved or treated, 8,200 acres of sustainably managed land preserved and 586,000 linear feet of riparian area restored or protected.

Craft3 uses IRIS to remain current on the continually changing landscape of impact measurement and reporting. Craft3's internal metrics conform to many of those included in the IRIS registry and are used to measure and report on business operations performance (including financial health and asset quality) as well as social impacts related to our mission of economic, ecological and family resilience.