Global Partnerships

Founded in 1994, Global Partnerships (GP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit impact investor whose mission is to expand opportunity for people living in poverty. GP pioneers and invests in sustainable solutions that help impoverished people earn a living and improve their lives. GP works closely with partners to help achieve and grow their impact to reach thousands of people living in poverty. They invest in their partners, who help their clients save time & money, increase productivity, access affordable healthcare, and earn a stable income. GP's investments are focused around four impact areas: health services, rural livelihoods, green technology and microentrepreneurship. GP has offices located in Seattle, Washington and Managua, Nicaragua.

Global Partnerships (GP) maintains a multi-sector portfolio of impact investments across a wide range of social enterprises. Where possible GP utilizes IRIS metrics to monitor and evaluate the performance of its underlying investments. Data is currently collected prior to disbursement and then during regularly occurring intervals over the course of the business relationship. The IRIS data collected (which consists of predominantly outputs) is analyzed based on the GP's knowledge of the enterprise's practices and context and is used to better understand how certain outputs lead to desired impacts. Global Partnerships then looks to evaluate the performance of its investments as they pertains to opportunity creation at the household level.