Environmental Impact Objectives (OD4108)

Describes the environmental impact objectives pursued by the organization. Select all that apply:

Agriculture—Food Security:

  • Increasing Access to Agricultural Training and Information
  • Increasing Access to and Use of Products and Services for Agricultural Risk Mitigation
  • Increasing Access to Better, Stable Pricing of Agricultural Products
  • Increasing Farm Profitability
  • Increasing Financial Health of Farmers
  • Increasing Food Security through Smallholder Farms
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture—Smallholder Agriculture:

  • Improving Agricultural Water Use Practices
  • Improving Rural Economies through Financial Inclusion
  • Increasing Access to Agricultural Training and Information
  • Increasing Access to and Use of Products and Services for Agricultural Risk Mitigation
  • Increasing Access to and Use of Quality Agricultural Inputs
  • Increasing Access to Better, Stable Pricing of Agricultural Products
  • Increasing Farm Profitability
  • Increasing Financial Health of Farmers
  • Increasing Food Security through Smallholder Farms
  • Increasing the Sustainability of Non-Wood Forest Products
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture—Sustainable Agriculture:

  • Conserving River Flows for Nature and People
  • Improving Agricultural Water Use Practices
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture—Other (describe)

Air—Clean Air:

  • Mitigating Carbon Emissions from Forestry and Land Use
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Carbon Capture and Sequestration
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Electricity and Heat Production
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Mobility
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Manufacturing

Air—Other (describe)

Biodiversity and Ecosystems—Biodiversity & Ecosystem Conservation:

  • Conserving River Flows for Nature and People
  • Improving Agricultural Water Use Practices
  • Improving Biodiversity by Reducing Impacts from Salt- and Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries
  • Improving Biodiversity through Marine Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration
  • Improving Biodiversity through Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure
  • Improving Biodiversity through Terrestrial Ecosystem Protection and Restoration
  • Improving Water Quality Through Source Water Protection
  • Increasing the Sustainability of Wood and Wood-Based Products

Biodiversity and Ecosystems—Other (describe)

Climate—Climate Change Mitigation:

  • Improving Sustainability of Industrial and Municipal Water Practices
  • Improving WASH through Water Infrastructure and Management
  • Increasing the Sustainability of Wood and Wood-Based Products
  • Mitigating Carbon Emissions from Forestry and Land Use
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Carbon Capture and Sequestration
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Electricity and Heat Production
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Mobility
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Agriculture
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Manufacturing

Climate—Climate Resilience and Adaptation:

  • Improving Job Skills for the Future
  • Improving WASH through Water Infrastructure and Management

Climate—Other (describe)

Diversity and Inclusion—Gender Lens:

  • Improving Earnings and Wealth Through Employment and Entrepreneurship (Particularly for Disadvantaged and Excluded Groups)
  • Improving Equitable Access to Education and Learning for All
  • Improving Rights, Respect, and Cooperation in the Workplace
  • Increasing Gender Equality through Financial Inclusion
  • Increasing Job Security and Stability for Workers in Precarious Employment
  • Reducing Gender Inequities in Governance, Leadership, and Ownership
  • Reducing Gender Inequities in Pay
  • Reducing Gender Inequities in Workplace Conditions
  • Reducing Gender Inequities through Tailored Products and Services

Diversity and Inclusion—Racial Equity:

  • Improving Earnings and Wealth Through Employment and Entrepreneurship (Particularly for Disadvantaged and Excluded Groups)
  • Improving Rights, Respect, and Cooperation in the Workplace
  • Increasing Inclusive Capital to Create Equitable Outcomes for Communities of Color (Justice)
  • Increasing Job Security and Stability for Workers in Precarious Employment
  • Shifting Power by Addressing Racial Bias and Ensuring Equitable Representation and Decision-Making
  • Shifting the Perception of Risk through Equitable Deal Sourcing, Due Diligence, and Terms

Diversity and Inclusion—Other (describe)

Education—Access to Quality Education:

  • Improving Access to Education for Children in Crisis and Conflict-Affected Environments
  • Improving Early Childhood Care and Education
  • Improving Equitable Access to Education and Learning for All
  • Improving Job Skills for the Future
  • Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning Environments
  • Improving The Successful Transition of Youth into the Workforce and Society
  • Improving the Transparency and Accountability of Education Management Systems

Education—Other (describe)

Employment—Quality Jobs:

  • Improving Earnings and Wealth Through Employment and Entrepreneurship (Particularly for Disadvantaged and Excluded Groups)
  • Improving Health and Well-Being Across the Workforce
  • Improving Job Skills for the Future
  • Improving Rights, Respect, and Cooperation in the Workplace
  • Increasing Job Security and Stability for Workers in Precarious Employment

Employment—Other (describe)

Energy—Clean Energy:

  • Improving Access to Clean Energy for Underserved Communities
  • Increasing Availability of Clean Energy through Improved Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure
  • Increasing Clean Energy Generation through Low- and Zero-Carbon Alternatives
  • Increasing Clean Energy Storage Capacity through Improved Batteries and Other Technologies
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Electricity and Heat Production
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Mobility

Energy—Energy Access:

  • Improving Energy Alternatives for Cooking
  • Improving Energy Alternatives for Healthcare
  • Improving Energy for Connectivity
  • Improving Lighting for Business
  • Improving Lighting for Homes
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Electricity and Heat Production - Reducing Harmful Emissions from Small-Scale Energy Sources

Energy—Energy Efficiency:

  • Improving Sustainability of Industrial and Municipal Water Practices
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Electricity and Heat Production
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Clean Mobility
  • Mitigating Climate Change through Sustainable Manufacturing

Energy—Other (describe)

Financial Services—Financial Inclusion:

  • Improving Access to and Use of Responsible Financial Services for Historically Underserved Populations
  • Improving Access to WASH Through Affordable Household Financing
  • Improving Earnings and Wealth Through Employment and Entrepreneurship (Particularly for Disadvantaged and Excluded Groups)
  • Improving Financial Health
  • Improving Rural Economies through Financial Inclusion
  • Increasing Access to and Use of Products and Services for Agricultural Risk Mitigation
  • Increasing Access to Non-Sewered Sanitation Services
  • Increasing Access to Sewered Sanitation Services
  • Increasing Farm Profitability
  • Increasing Financial Health of Farmers
  • Increasing Gender Equality through Financial Inclusion
  • Supporting Decent Jobs and Fostering Economic Development

Financial Services—Other (describe)

Health—Access to Quality Health Care:

  • Improving Data for Health Systems Policy and Decision-Making
  • Improving Early Childhood Care and Education
  • Improving Energy Alternatives for Healthcare
  • Improving Health and Well-Being Across the Workforce
  • Improving WASH through Water Infrastructure and Management
  • Increasing Access to Essential Medicines, Medical Supplies, and Devices
  • Increasing Access to Medical Diagnostics
  • Increasing Consistent Supply of Essential Services and Products
  • Reducing Financial Barriers to Health Services


Health—Other (describe)

Infrastructure—Resilient Infrastructure:

  • Reducing Flood Risk and Stormwater Impacts through Green Infrastructure

Infrastructure—Other (describe)

Land—Natural Resources Conservation:

  • Improving Agricultural Water Use Practices
  • Improving Water Quality Through Source Water Protection

Land—Sustainable Forestry:

  • Increasing the Sustainability of Local Economies and Communities through Forestry and Land Use
  • Increasing the Sustainability of Non-Wood Forest Products
  • Increasing the Sustainability of Wood and Wood-Based Products
  • Mitigating Carbon Emissions from Forestry and Land Use

Land—Sustainable Land Management:

  • Improving Sustainability of Industrial and Municipal Water Practices

Land—Other (describe)

Oceans & Coastal Zones—Marine Resource Conservation and Management:

  • Improving Water Quality Through Source Water Protection

Oceans & Coastal Zones—Other (describe)

Pollution—Pollution Prevention:

  • Improving Sustainability of Industrial and Municipal Water Practices
  • Mitigating Carbon Emissions from Forestry and Land Use
  • Reducing Harmful Emissions from Small-Scale Energy Sources

Pollution—Other (describe)

Real Estate—Affordable Quality Housing:

  • Improving Housing Quality
  • Increasing Residential Stability
  • Increasing Housing Affordability
  • Increasing Access to Supportive Services through Housing

Real Estate—Green Buildings

Real Estate—Other (describe)

Waste—Waste Management:

  • Improving Sustainability of Industrial and Municipal Water Practices

Waste—Other (describe)

Water—Sustainable Water Management:

  • Conserving River Flows for Nature and People
  • Improving Access to WASH Through Affordable Household Financing
  • Improving Agricultural Water Use Practices
  • Improving Sustainability of Industrial and Municipal Water Practices
  • Improving WASH through Water Infrastructure and Management
  • Improving Water Quality Through Source Water Protection
  • Increasing Access to Non-Sewered Sanitation Services
  • Increasing Access to Sewered Sanitation Services
  • Reducing Flood Risk and Stormwater Impacts Through Green Infrastructure

Water—Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH):

  • Conserving River Flows for Nature and People
  • Improving Access to WASH in Schools and Healthcare Centers
  • Improving Access to WASH Through Affordable Household Financing
  • Improving Sustainability of Industrial and Municipal Water Practices
  • Improving WASH through Water Infrastructure and Management
  • Increasing Access to Non-Sewered Sanitation Services
  • Increasing Access to Sewered Sanitation Services

Water—Other (describe)

  • Reporting Format Selection
  • Metric Type Metric
  • Metric Level Organization
  • IRIS Metric Citation IRIS, 2021. Environmental Impact Objectives (OD4108). v5.2.

Organizations should footnote how their operations and/or products/services pursue the selected objectives. See usage guidance for further information.