Number of status-quo products that were replaced by products sold during the reporting period.
Number of status-quo products that were replaced by products sold during the reporting period.
Organizations should footnote all assumptions used, including source of data and nature of product replaced.
This metric is intended to capture the number of existing products replaced by products the organization sold during the reporting period. Organizations should select and report a single product type replaced. For example, for a solar lantern, organizations may report the product replaced as kerosene, lanterns, candles, battery torches, or generators.
This metric may be estimated from a representative sample.
When calculating the number of products replaced, organizations should consider the operating life of the replacement product. For example, a solar lantern, over its operating life, may replace hundreds of kerosene lanterns.
June 2022 - IRIS v5.3 Released (current version)
Immaterial change. Minor revision to usage guidance for clarity.
January 2020 - IRIS v5.1 Released
No change.
May 2019 - IRIS v5.0 Released
New metric. Developed via IRIS+ core metrics sets.