Target Area Protected Status (PD1676)

Describes the protected status of the land the organization seeks to benefit during the reporting period.

Choose all that apply:

  • Strict Nature Reserve (IUCN Category 1a)
  • Wilderness Area (IUCN Category Ib)
  • National Park (IUCN Category II)
  • Natural Monument or Feature (IUCN Category III)
  • Habitat/Species Management Area (IUCN Category IV)
  • Protected Landscape/Seascape (IUCN Category V)
  • Protected Area with Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (Category VI)
  • No Current Protections
  • Other (describe)
  • Reporting Format Selection
  • Metric Type Metric
  • Metric Level Product/Service, Organization
  • IRIS Metric Citation IRIS, 2021. Target Area Protected Status (PD1676). v5.2.

Organizations should footnote all assumptions used, including source(s) of data.