Type of packaging used by the organization during the reporting period. Select all that apply:
- Recycled materials
- Non-recycled compostable or renewable materials
- Non-recycled, non-compostable, non-renewable materials
Type of packaging used by the organization during the reporting period. Select all that apply:
Organizations should footnote all assumptions used.
This metric is intended to capture the type(s) of packaging materials—a key source of waste, with potential negative environmental consequences—used by the organization during the reporting period. Organizations are encouraged to report this metric in conjunction with Packaging Weight (PI1422) for each type of packaging.
Organizations are also encouraged to footnote whether the packaging includes clear messaging around the environmental implications of and recycling options for the packaging. For example, organizations using cardboard boxes may note that the boxes are reusable and recyclable, as well as compostable, if relevant.
Metrics identified as "cross-category" are those that are relevant to any IRIS+ Impact Category or Impact Theme (i.e., these metrics are not specific to any particular industry/category or theme).
June 2022 - IRIS v5.3 Released (current version)
Immaterial change. Minor revision to usage guidance for clarity.