Species Extinction Threat (PD6363)

Describes applicable threats to species during the reporting period.

Choose all that apply:

Residential & commercial development

  • Housing & urban areas
  • Commercial & industrial areas
  • Tourism & recreation areas

Agriculture & aquaculture

  • Annual & perennial non-timber crops: Shifting agriculture
  • Annual & perennial non-timber crops: Smallholder farming
  • Annual & perennial non-timber crops: Agro-industry farming
  • Annual & perennial non-timber crops: Scale unknown/unrecorded
  • Wood & pulp plantations:

    Small-holder plantations

  • Wood & pulp plantations: Agro-industry plantations
  • Wood & pulp plantations: Scale unknown/unrecorded
  • Livestock farming & ranching: Nomadic grazing
  • Livestock farming & ranching: Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming
  • Livestock farming & ranching: Agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming
  • Livestock farming & ranching: Scale unknown/unrecorded
  • Marine & freshwater aquaculture: Subsistence/artisanal aquaculture
  • Marine & freshwater aquaculture: Industrial aquaculture
  • Marine & freshwater aquaculture: Scale unknown/unrecorded

Energy production & mining

  • Oil & gas drilling
  • Mining & quarrying
  • Renewable energy
  • Other energy production & mining (describe)

Transportation & service corridors

  • Roads & railroads
  • Utility & service lines
  • Shipping lanes
  • Flight paths

Biological resource use

  • Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals: Intentional use (species being assessed is the target)
  • Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals: Unintentional effects (species being assessed is not the target)
  • Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals: Persecution/control
  • Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals: Motivation unknown/unrecorded
  • Gathering terrestrial plants: Intentional use (species being assessed is the target)
  • Gathering terrestrial plants: Unintentional effects (species being assessed is not the target)
  • Gathering terrestrial plants: Persecution/control
  • Gathering terrestrial plants: Motivation unknown/unrecorded
  • Logging & wood harvesting: Intentional use, subsistence/small scale (species being assessed is the target)
  • Logging & wood harvesting: Intentional use, large scale (species being assessed is the target)
  • Logging & wood harvesting: Unintentional effects, subsistence/small scale (species being assessed is not the target)
  • Logging & wood harvesting: Unintentional effects, large scale (species being assessed is not the target)
  • Logging & wood harvesting: Motivation unknown/unrecorded
  • Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources: Intentional use, subsistence/small scale (species being assessed is the target)
  • Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources: Intentional use, large scale (species being assessed is the target)
  • Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources: Unintentional effects, subsistence/small scale (species being assessed is not the target)
  • Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources: Unintentional effects, large scale (species being assessed is not the target)
  • Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources: Persecution/control
  • Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources: Motivation unknown/unrecorded

Human intrusions & disturbance

  • Recreational activities
  • War, civil unrest, & military exercises
  • Work & other activities
  • Other human intrusions & disturbances (describe)

Natural system modifications

  • Fire & fire suppression: Increase in fire frequency/intensity
  • Fire & fire suppression: Suppression in fire frequency/intensity
  • Fire & fire suppression: Trend unknown/unrecorded
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of surface water (domestic use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of surface water (commercial use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of surface water (agricultural use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of groundwater (domestic use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of groundwater (commercial use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of groundwater (agricultural use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Abstraction of groundwater (unknown use)
  • Dams & water management/use: Small dams
  • Dams & water management/use: Large dams
  • Dams & water management/use: Dams (size unknown)
  • Other ecosystem modifications (describe)

Invasive & other problematic species, genes, & diseases

  • Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases: Unspecified species
  • Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases: Named species
  • Problematic native species/diseases: Unspecified species
  • Problematic native species/diseases: Named species
  • Introduced genetic material
  • Problematic species/diseases of unknown origin: Unspecified species
  • Problematic species/diseases of unknown origin: Named species
  • Viral/prion-induced diseases: Unspecified “species” (disease)
  • Viral/prion-induced diseases: Named “species” (disease)
  • Diseases of unknown cause


  • Domestic & urban wastewater: Sewage
  • Domestic & urban wastewater: Run-off
  • Domestic & urban wastewater: Type unknown/unrecorded
  • Industrial & military effluents: Oil spills
  • Industrial & military effluents: Seepage from mining
  • Industrial & military effluents: Type unknown/unrecorded
  • Agricultural & forestry effluents: Nutrient loads
  • Agricultural & forestry effluents: Soil erosion, sedimentation
  • Agricultural & forestry effluents: Herbicides & pesticides
  • Agricultural & forestry effluents: Type unknown/unrecorded
  • Garbage & solid waste
  • Air-borne pollutants: Acid rain
  • Air-borne pollutants: Smog
  • Air-borne pollutants: Ozone
  • Air-borne pollutants: Type unknown/unrecorded
  • Excess energy: Light pollution
  • Excess energy: Thermal pollution
  • Excess energy: Noise pollution
  • Excess energy: Type unknown/unrecorded

Geological events

  • Volcanoes
  • Earthquakes/tsunamis
  • Avalanches/landslides
  • Other geological events (describe)

Climate change & severe weather

  • Habitat shifting & alteration
  • Droughts
  • Temperature extremes
  • Storms & flooding
  • Other impacts (describe)

Other options

  • Other threat (describe)
  • Reporting Format Selection
  • Metric Type Metric
  • Metric Level Product/Service, Organization
  • IRIS Metric Citation IRIS, 2021. Species Extinction Threat (PD6363). v5.2.

Organizations should footnote all assumptions used, including source of data.