Number of learning hours provided to students during the reporting period.
Number of learning hours provided to students during the reporting period.
Organizations should footnote all assumptions used, including source(s) of data.
This metric is intended to capture the number of learning hours provided to students during the reporting period. It is a measure of actual hours provided during the reporting period, not expected or projected time. In this way, this metric differs from Hours of School Provided (PD4120), which projects the number of hours of instructional time per week. For example, if students are projected to have 1,120 hours of school time during a reporting period, but school is cancelled for two days (for a total of 14 hours), organizations should report 1,106 hours for this metric.
This metric may be disaggregated by Learning Hours Type (PD9173) for further detail on school time, instructional time, engaged time/time on task, and, for young children, responsive learning time. Definitions for these terms are provided in the usage guidance for Learning Hours Type (PD9173).
June 2022 - IRIS v5.3 Released (current version)
Immaterial change. Minor revision to usage guidance for clarity.
January 2020 - IRIS v5.1 Released
New metric. Learning Hours (PI1836) was developed via the IRIS+ Education Expert Subgroup