Area of Fresh Water Bodies Present (PI7170)

Surface area of freshwater bodies present during the reporting period on protected land, land under sustainable stewardship, or land under sustainable cultivation.

  • Reporting Format Unit of Measure (PD1602)
  • Metric Type Metric
  • Metric Level Product/Service, Organization
  • IRIS Metric Citation Repayment capacity analyses are conducted by a lender to compare a borrower's cash or income sources to a borrower's uses and thereby ensure that the borrower has sufficient sources to repay debt. Repayment capacity analyses should be systematic and complete and should ensure that lending decisions are based on an appropriate debt-to-income ratio. Organizations should disclose the financial costs to borrowers for the most representative loan product, which closely tracks the cost clients carry and should be compared with the cost for similar products and similar populations offered by other organizations in the same country or region. Examples of practices for repayment capacity analyses, to footnote, include: relying on more information than just guarantees (e.g., peer guarantees, co-signer, or collateral) such as household surplus, taking into consideration the possibility of additional, non-disclosed debt, disseminating the organization's repayment capacity policy among employees, uniformly using the repayment capacity policy in practice, performing the analyses at each loan cycle, performing a client visit to verify information consistency, etc. Organizations should also note whether they restructure products/services in cases where repayment is an issue. Organizations can refer to the following source for further guidance on conducting repayment capacity analyses: The Smart Campaign (

Organizations should footnote all assumptions used.