Area of protected land that shares a boundary with the organization's protected land as of the end of the reporting period.
Area of protected land that shares a boundary with the organization's protected land as of the end of the reporting period.
Organizations should footnote all assumptions used. See usage guidance for further information.
This metric is intended to capture protected land assemblage, the area of protected land not controlled by the organization but adjacent to land controlled by the reporting organization.
Organizations should report all land area controlled by other entities that forms a contiguous assemblage with protected land area directly or indirectly controlled by the reporting organization.
For many conservation objectives, large, connected areas of conserved land are more valuable than small, disconnected pieces of conserved land. This metric helps capture holistically how a specific project complements previous conservation work. Adjacent land that is also subject to conservation measures maximizes the impact of conservation measures in newly protected areas. Potential adverse effects of adjacent land use, which organizations can footnote, may extend into the protected area. On the other hand, the transition area (ecotone) between the protected area and adjacent land can provide edge habitats that support rich biodiversity.
Remote sensing data or field visits can capture the area and land use of adjacent parcels, including details on their extent, vegetation, species, and relief, which can help optimize management in controlled area. Organizations may footnote whether neighboring land is under deliberate management, has future plans for conversation or use, or has owner(s) with potential interest in cooperating on conservation management.