IRIS Catalog of Metrics

IRIS metrics are designed to measure the social, environmental and financial performance of an investment.

To use IRIS metrics—and the resulting data—as part of the investment management process, IRIS metrics should be used and analyzed in generally accepted sets and according to well-defined objectives. To access generally accepted Core Metrics Sets by Theme or Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), set up a profile

  • Permanent Employees: Low-Income Areas (OI8266)

    Number of people in paid employment with the organization who reside in low-income areas as of the end of the reporting period, whether they are full-time or part-time.

  • Permanent Employees: People with Disabilities (OI4038)

    Number of people with disabilities in paid employment with the organization as of the end of the reporting period, whether they are full-time or part-time.

  • Permanent Employees: Total (OI8869)

    Number of people in paid employment with the organization as of the end of the reporting period, whether they are full-time or part-time.

  • Personnel Efficiency (FP8295)

    Ratio of the organization's personnel expenses compared to its loans receivable as of the end of the reporting period.

  • Personnel Expenses (FP4831)

    Value of expenditures related to personnel, including wages, benefits, trainings, and payroll taxes, incurred by the organization during the reporting period.

  • Pesticide Hazard Classification Type (OI7394)

    Describes the pesticide hazard classification for pesticides used by the organization, or disaggregates another metric in terms of pesticide hazard classification. Select all that apply: Class Ia Extremely…

  • Pesticide Use (OI9891)

    Amount of pesticides used during the reporting period on land area directly controlled by the organization.

  • Poverty Assessment (PD3569)

    Indicates whether the organization assesses the poverty levels of its intended stakeholders.

  • Primary Energy Source (OI3781)

    Describes the primary source(s) for energy produced, sold, or purchased by the organization during the reporting period, or disaggregates another metric in terms of the primary source of the related amount…

  • Producer Price Premium (PI1568)

    Price premium percentage that the producer (supplier) selling to the organization obtains from the organization for its goods or services during the reporting period.

  • Product Hours of Light Available (PI3486)

    Number of hours of light available from the product during the reporting period.

  • Product Lifecycle Management Practices (OI6209)

    Indicates whether the organization has practices in place to manage products over their life beyond the point of sale.

IRIS Version 5.3