IRIS Catalog of Metrics

IRIS metrics are designed to measure the social, environmental and financial performance of an investment.

To use IRIS metrics—and the resulting data—as part of the investment management process, IRIS metrics should be used and analyzed in generally accepted sets and according to well-defined objectives. To access generally accepted Core Metrics Sets by Theme or Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), set up a profile

  • Space Per Passenger (PI8394)

    Amount of space per passenger (in an airport, passenger port, or vehicle) during the reporting period.

  • Species Abundance (PI8027)

    Indicates the number of individuals of a particular species that are present on area directly or indirectly controlled by the organization as of the end of the reporting period.

  • Species Area of Habitat (PD2584)

    Describes the area of habitat available to a species within that species' range during the reporting period.

  • Species Conservation Status (PD6429)

    Describes the conservation status of species during the reporting period. Choose all that apply: Least concern Near threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically endangered Extinct in the wild Extinct Data…

  • Species Extinction Threat (PD6363)

    Describes applicable threats to species during the reporting period. Choose all that apply: Residential & commercial development Housing & urban areas Commercial & industrial areas Tourism & recreation…

  • Species: Total (PI7728)

    Indicates the number of different species (species richness) present within the area managed directly or indirectly by the organization as of the end of the reporting period.

  • Stakeholder Engagement (OI7914)

    Describes the mechanisms in place to gather input from stakeholders on product/service design, development, and delivery. Select all that apply: Identify community need(s), if any, in collaboration with…

  • Stormwater Runoff (OD6737)

    Volume of water generated from rain and snowmelt flowing over (that is, without soaking into the ground) land indirectly or directly controlled by the organization during the reporting period.

  • Stream Nutrient Levels Assessment (OI3798)

    Indicates whether the organization has assessed nitrogen and phosphorus levels in streams on directly or indirectly controlled land as of the end of the reporting period.

  • Stream Turbidity Level (OI3979)

    Level of turbidity (in Nephelometric Turbidity Units, or NTU) observed in streams or rivers on land directly or indirectly managed by the organization as of the end of the reporting period.

  • Streamflow Rate (OI9202)

    Rate of flowing water in a stream or river on land directly or indirectly managed by the organization as of the end of the reporting period.

  • Strikes and Lockouts (OI8670)

    Number of employees' strikes and lockouts at the organization during the reporting period.

IRIS Version 5.3