To use IRIS metrics—and the resulting data—as part of the investment management process, IRIS metrics should be used and analyzed in generally accepted sets and according to well-defined objectives. To access generally accepted Core Metrics Sets by Theme or Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), set up a profile.
Target Stakeholder Spending: Connectivity (PI2111)
Amount of money spent by an average target stakeholder on connectivity costs during the reporting period.
Target Stakeholder Spending: Energy (PI5489)
Amount of money spent by the average target stakeholder on sources of energy during the reporting period.
Target Stakeholder Spending: Health (PI7395)
Describes a target stakeholder's health spending as a share of their income or expenditures, or disaggregates another metric in terms of health spending as a share of income or expenditures. Select one:…
Target Stakeholder Spending: Housing (PI1409)
Amount of money spent by the average target stakeholder on housing costs during the reporting period.
Target Stakeholder Spending: Total (PI9626)
Average amount of money spent by target stakeholders during the reporting period.
Target Stakeholders (OD7212)
Describes which entities the organization seeks to benefit through its products, services, and operations as of the end of the reporting period. Choose all that apply: Planet Suppliers Employees Distributors Clients…
Teacher Attendance Rate (PI3651)
Rate of teacher attendance during the reporting period.
Teachers Employed (OI5896)
Number of full- and part-time teachers employed by the organization as of the end of the reporting period.
Teachers Qualified (PI1902)
Number of teachers at the organizations as of the end of the reporting period who have obtained training or have qualifications that meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the local area.
Teaching Experience (PI7871)
Average number of years of formal education for teachers and instructors as of the end of the reporting period.
Temporary Employee Wages (OI4202)
Value of wages (including bonuses and excluding benefits) paid to all temporary employees of the organization during the reporting period.
Temporary Employees (OI9028)
Number of temporary employees paid by the organization during the reporting period.
IRIS Version 5.3