IRIS Catalog of Metrics

IRIS metrics are designed to measure the social, environmental and financial performance of an investment.

To use IRIS metrics—and the resulting data—as part of the investment management process, IRIS metrics should be used and analyzed in generally accepted sets and according to well-defined objectives. To access generally accepted Core Metrics Sets by Theme or Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), set up a profile

  • Environmental Policies for Financial Services Clients (PD7932)

    Indicates whether the organization implements environmental policies associated with the organization’s financing practices.

  • Equity or Net Assets (FP5317)

    Value of the residual interest, as of the end of the reporting period, in the assets of the organization after deducting all its liabilities.

  • Eviction Rate (PI6303)

    Percentage of permanent tenants involuntarily removed from housing units during the reporting period.

  • Extracurricular Programs Offered (PD9759)

    Describes the extracurricular activities that the organization offers to students.

  • Fair Career Advancement Policy (OI4884)

    Indicates whether the organization has a written policy to support the fair and equitable progression and promotion of employees and a system to monitor compliance with this policy.

  • Fair Compensation Policy (OI3819)

    Indicates whether the organization has a written policy regarding fair and equitable compensation for employees and a system to monitor compliance with this policy.

  • Fair Dismissal Policy (OI9478)

    Indicates whether the organization has a written policy and practice of ensuring fair dismissal of employees and a system to monitor compliance with this policy.

  • Fair Hiring/Recruiting Policy (OI1150)

    Indicates whether the organization has a written employment policy to recruit employees fairly and equally and a system to monitor compliance with this policy.

  • Financial Assets (FP4649)

    Value, as of the end of the reporting period, of the organization's non-physical assets such as cash, bank accounts, or other investments.

  • Financial Expenses (FP2553)

    Value of expenditures incurred by the organization during the reporting period to settle interest, fees, and commissions incurred on the organization’s financial liabilities—including, among others, any…

  • Financial Statement Review (OI5164)

    Indicates whether it is the organization's policy to produce financial statements that are verified annually by a certified independent auditor.

  • Fixed Assets (FP9148)

    Value, as of the end of the reporting period, of the organization's long-term tangible assets that the organization does not expect to convert into cash in the current or upcoming fiscal year.

IRIS Version 5.3