IRIS Catalog of Metrics

IRIS metrics are designed to measure the social, environmental and financial performance of an investment.

To use IRIS metrics—and the resulting data—as part of the investment management process, IRIS metrics should be used and analyzed in generally accepted sets and according to well-defined objectives. To access generally accepted Core Metrics Sets by Theme or Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), set up a profile

  • School Fees (PI2718)

    Average school fees per student per month during the reporting period.

  • School Meals (PI6971)

    Number of free or subsidized meals provided by the organization during the reporting period.

  • Schooling Status (PI2250)

    Describes the schooling status of students served by the organization during the reporting period. Choose all that apply: Enrollment status: Enrolled Not enrolled Other (describe) Grade promotion: Promoted…

  • Sector of Operations (PD8808)

    Describes the sector(s) in which the organization focuses its operations. Select all that apply: A. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing B. Mining and quarrying C. Manufacturing D. Electricity, gas, steam,…

  • Selling, General, and Administration Expenses (FP9649)

    This metric is intended to capture the costs the organization incurred during the reporting period for depreciation and amortization of assets on a defined schedule over time.

  • Service Area Population (PI6686)

    Number of individuals within the organization's service area (municipality, administrative region, or other geographic boundary) as of the end of the reporting period.

  • Service Hours Interrupted (PI2230)

    Number of hours-of-service interruptions during the reporting period.

  • Service Hours Provided (PI5683)

    Number of hours of service provided during the reporting period.

  • Service Interruptions (PI3720)

    Number of service interruptions experienced by clients during the reporting period.

  • Service Level Type (PD5205)

    Describes the level of access to services provided to households or individuals as a result of the organization's activities as of the end the reporting period. Choose all that apply within the appropriate…

  • Setting of Housing/Community Facilities (PD1007)

    Describes the setting of community development facilities or housing units projected to be constructed or preserved as a result of investments made by the organization during the reporting period. Choose…

  • Sexual Harassment Policy (OI9088)

    Indicates whether the organization has a written policy to combat and prevent the sexual harassment of employees and a system to monitor compliance with this policy.

IRIS Version 5.3